Please visit and leave a review. We know your time is the most valuable resource on this planet, and in exchange for sharing your experience you will receive 3 free braintap sessions and a neural chek scan before and after. We appreciate you dearly and you may exchange for 3 ice baths or IR sauna! We love you and we want the community to know how amazing it is at TEC. *Bonus, if you review on Facebook and Yelp, you earn all three!!! Yogis, go to Zen Powerhouse and tell them what an amazing instructor Dr. Leiva is!!! For that, you get a pass to a shamanic sound healing in February.
R&R Gratitude
Dear valued clients, your feedback means the world to us! If your experience wasn't a perfect 5 stars, please reach out – we genuinely care about your satisfaction. Give us the opportunity to turn your experience into a 5-star delight. Your support as a small business taking on big things is immensely appreciated. Thank you for being a part of our journey!